Having arrived in Tahiti where Strickland spent the
last years of his life, the narrator meets Captain Nichols, who was with
Charles to his last day and Nichols described their life in Marseilles. So, we
knew that Charles married a local woman Ata and three years with her were the
happiest in his life. Ata took care of him and their children while Charles
continued drawing. Several years later the man got leprosy and died. The narrator
returned to London where he meets Mrs. Strickland again. He told her
everything he knew about her husband not mentioning Ata and her son.
Mrs. Strickland was very proud to be the wife of a genius and showed the narrator
the copies of Charles’ pictures. And the author considered
Strickland to be a genius of great talent. All his works conveyed all Charles’
feelings, emotion, in other word his real personality. Art was only one true
Charles’ passion.
A very doog summary
the narrator MET Captain Nichols
The narrator returned to London where he MET