The article
takes a critical view of our global media ecology. Today journalists employ sophisticated
techniques and the digital revolution makes us thinking about proper use of
these tools. Speaking of it is necessary to note some issues about the way of
teaching. Giving appraisal of the situation a reporter conclude that such sphere as journalism ethics is a field where
old and new values clash. So there are several methods which respect traditional
values and technological progress:
Consensus means refusal of a framework of generally accepted
ideas and an orientation on variety of opinion via ethic principles. And as a
result, mixed media ethics is a work in progress.
The article
carries a lot of comment on new Standards for Educators. They are the following:
1. Start
from the students' media world.( Be experiential, creative and make debate)
Assist students with reflective engagement.( You can help them think their way
through the issues)
Insist on critical thinking, not what is fashionable.( Indicate areas where objectivity
might be needed)
4. Be
transitional.( Show
that the invention of new guidelines is possible)
5. Be
global in your teaching.( journalists need to adopt a more globally minded view of themselves)
So the correspondent
proves that the teaching should challenge, not discourage. I’m absolutely agree
with this statement and I guess we firstly must revolutionize ourselves in
order to teach others.
Irine, the entry looks strange to me, I mean the type, all letters are capital.
ОтветитьУдалитьDo you see it the way I see?
So-so. No proper introduction and the use of special vocabulary (I mean lead-ins) is very limited. Every sentece starts with a lead-in. You Render not Write an article.
...makes us THINK ...
THE reporter concludeS ..
I absolutely agree (no AM, agree is a verb).
We must FIRST ...